You take care of your digital business, we take care of tech!

We help infopreneuers in Scandinavia  with Funnels, Ads, and Branding.

Are you struggling with the Tech aspect of running an online business?

Tech is the backbone of an online business. If you’re hassled by tech barriers, it is hard to succeed in the online game. You might get drained of your time and energy, while trying to fix the tech glitches.

LET US RESOLVE THEM FOR YOU, while you can do what you do the best!


How can we make your business a better experience?


Because you will be doing what you love rather then getting into the nitty gritty of ads, tech, and automations.


We will make sure that your funnel system is optimized, uses right tags and lists, has as many automations as possible, looks good, and converts!


We will handle the hefty task of setting up pixels, making your account iOS 14 compliant, creating ads, and making sure the cost is low. 
In case, your business manager is disabled, we will try to get it back by talking to support or creating a new one if needed. 

What it would mean if you work with us?


Because you will be doing what you love rather then getting into the nitty gritty of ads, tech, and automations.


We will make sure that your funnel system is optimized, uses right tags and lists, has as many automations as possible, looks good, and converts!


We will handle the hefty task of setting up pixels, making your account iOS 14 compliant, creating ads, and making sure the cost is low. 
In case, your business manager is disabled, we will try to get it back by talking to support or creating a new one if needed. 

How will this work?

Book a strategy call with us.

You click on the button below and book a call with us.

We create an action plan.

We will discuss how you need our help and create an action plan on how we can achieve your goals.


We will take away the stress of building new pages, going into ads manager, and help you propel your growth.


Jeg har fått teknisk hjelp fra Raghav Mundra i nesten to år, og det har vært fantastisk. Han har hjulpet meg med alt teknisk arbeid med nettkurs og medlemsportaler. 
Han er utrolig dyktig til å forstå meg som kunde, og har hjulpet til med å lage fine salgssider. Noe jeg ikke ville klart selv. 
I tillegg har han også tatt hånd om mine annonser på Facebook, og fulgt med der for meg. For eksempel hadde jeg en annonse for noen måneder siden som ga 70 nye medlemmer til en medlemsportal, helt fantastisk.
Han er rask og svært pålitelig, jeg kan spørre om ting, og han forklarer til meg på en utrolig hyggelig og lettfattelig måte. Skulle du vurdere å skaffe deg teknisk hjelp, og ikke minst hjelp til Facebook annonser, anbefaler jeg Raghav på det varmeste.
Tenk, du kan få hjelp i stedet for å slite på egen hånd. Ville ikke det være herlig? Tipper du blir like fornøyd som meg.

May Irene

Terapeut, Oslo

Froy Sandness

I 2021 laget jeg ferdig mitt digitale foreldrekurs som jeg ønsket å lansere. På under fire uker var alt av datateknisk arbeid utført, slik at vi klarte å lansere kurset i august.

Krishna bidro med alt det tekniske fra Facebook-ads til oppsett av webinarer, portalen til kurset og all support knyttet til kurset.

Hver gang det var deltakere som hadde behov for bistand, løste Krishna floken på minutter. Krishna er den mest kompetente og mest profesjonelle samarbeidspartneren jeg har hatt. I tillegg har han oversikt over alle detaljene som jeg selv kan glippe på.

For alle som trenger teknisk support, så er det bare å prise seg lykkelig for å kunne ha en mann som Krishna på laget. Jeg anbefaler ham på det sterkeste

Marco Elsafadi

Foredragsholder, Bergen

Trude Gravdal

Helse- og Livsstilscoach

Bjornar Nordahl

Content COACH

Paula Söderström

Meant To Mind AB

Fredrik Strøm


Frequently asked questions

Here are the answers to the commonly asked questions.

Meet your future team!

Raghav Mundra

Fascinated by the idea of the Internet and the endless possibilities it created for everyone I chose to build my career as a Computer Engineer. I began this journey as a freelancer, at an age, as early as 18! The technophile in me, aided Infopreneurs in amping up their work, with the optimal use of technology, shredding away their hesitation and fear of technological intervention.

I have been into digital marketing for more than 4 year now, helping clients in setting up the funnel, and optimising Facebook Ads. I believe that automatising tasks and great customer service is the way to scale an info-business.Apart from geeking on numbers, I love hiking, bingeing Netflix, and building things.

Krishna Yadav

Unlock the true potential of your digital presence with a seasoned IT professional at the helm! With a wide range of experience in optimizing landing pages and funnels, I am the secret weapon you need to skyrocket your online engagement. Highly creative and armed with a keen eye for identifying target audiences, I can craft digital campaigns that captivate, inform and inspire.

As a Facebook ad campaign expert, I am always at the forefront of emerging marketing technologies. But my passions extend beyond the digital realm – I am also a fitness fanatic with a love for traveling, football, cars, and movies. So let’s get your brand in shape and make your online presence stand out from the crowd!